MEAPP – media officer, February 2023, Cairo, Egypt.
Pursuance of the directives of His Excellency Mr President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, for domiciliation and development of the pharmaceutical industry in Egypt, the National Research Centre (NRC), in collaboration with the Middle East Association of Pharmaceutical Medicine Professionals (MEAPP), is holding a conference on “Domiciliation and Development of Pharmaceutical Medicine in Egypt”. The conference will be held under the auspices of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, the Egyptian Drug Authority (EDA), as well as the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine (FPM) of the Royal Colleges in UK, King’s College London (KCL) and the International Federation of Associations of Pharmaceutical Physicians and Pharmaceutical Medicine (IFAPP) and the British Council in Cairo, on Thursday, February 23, 2023, at Conrad Hotel, Nile Corniche, Cairo.
The conference will be attended by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Saqr, President of the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, and Prof. Dr. Tamer Essam, President of EDA.
Also, will be attending Dr Flic Gabbay, President of FPM, Prof. Peter Stonier, professor of pharmaceutical medicine -KCL, and Director of Education & Training -FPM, Dr Barbara Baroutsou, President of IFAPP and Mrs Elizabeth White, Country Director of the British Council and His Excellency the British Ambassador in Egypt.
The conference will particularly focus on mechanisms and resources required to domiciliate and progress the clinical drug development in Egypt and the role of the stakeholders in Egypt, including universities, research centres, pharmaceutical companies and regulatory bodies, and the means necessary to cooperate and integrate to enhance Egypt’s competitiveness and boost the national income, especially after the issuance of the clinical trials law, and to qualify the incoming young researchers in this field, and to start cooperation with European countries and institutes for that purpose.