Appointment of new Trustees to the Board

MEAPP is looking to appoint new Trustees to its Board. As a Trustee, you will help ensure that the Association complies with its governing constitution document, Charity law, and any other relevant legislation or regulations. In addition, you will, with the other Trustees, set the strategic direction of MEAPP and ensure its financial stability.

For more information about the role and responsibilities of a Charity Trustee, please refer to the Charity Commission of England and Wales guidance CC3 โ€œThe Essential Trustee: what you need to know, what you need to doโ€ Here.

Requirements and background of prospective nominees

  • We seek to appoint candidates with diverse backgrounds; life sciences, legal, and finance backgrounds.
  • All trustees should have general knowledge of strategy, and transparency to enable discussions on overseeing a viable and resilient Association.
  • All trustees will be given an induction training upon joining to introduce them to the Association, roles and responsibilities.


  • Trustees will be appointed for a three-year term; subject to renewal once upon mutual agreement.
  • Trustee positions are not remunerated; pre-agreed expenses are paid.
  • Trusteesโ€™ conflicts of interest and independence are reviewed annually.

Time Commitment:

  • Trustees would need to be available for at least 4 (four) board meetings each year. Board meetings are held over 2 hours usually via conference call. 
  • All Trustees need to prepare adequately for each meeting and therefore it is likely that the role would take at least 4 days a year to complete successfully.
  • Some Trustees would serve on other committees e.g. the Finance Committee, which meets by conference call a week in advance of each Board meeting; this will require an additional 4 days.

Applications and nominations

  • Interested candidates should submit a letter of interest (why you want to be a Trustee for MEAPP) and a recent Curriculum Vitae to
  • Nominations of suitable candidates are also encouraged and may be done by sharing the name, affiliation and contact details of a nominated candidate. The nominated candidate will then be contacted and requested to submit a letter of interest and Curriculum Vitae.
  • Interviews will be held via Microsoft teams, short-listed candidates will be recommended to the Board for approval.

Submit your CV to before 30th April 2024.

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